
Hungarian Songs

Youtube playlist

Tankcsapda band has really good and catchy lyrics. If you can learn one of their songs and you sing it when it comes up in a party everybody will go crazy (in a positive way)
Band: Tankcsapda
Song: Mennyország Tourist
Youtube link: Mennyország Tourist
Lyrics: Mennyország Tourist (lyrics)
A few rows from the lyrics:
Majd rólad szólnak a hírek
Veled van tele a sajtó
Aki a pokolra kíván jutni annak
Balra a második ajtó
De ha a Szent-Péter szigetekre már
Be van fizetve az útja
Önnek a Mennyország Tourist
A legjobb szolgáltatást nyújtja
The news will be about you
The press is all about you
To the one who wants get to the hell
Choose the 2nd door at the left
But if your trip to the Saint-Peter’s islands
has been already paid
The Heaven Tourist
will provide you the best service
“Animal Cannibals” is a rap band or more like a duo. They have very catchy songs and good lyrics. They are quite adept with words.
Band: Animal Cannibals
Song: Péntek (Friday)
Youtube link: Péntek
Lyrics: Péntek (lyrics)
The refrain of this song is quite well known I think:
Péntek, az én napom
a testem a zenére hangolom,
meg egy jó italra amit szürcsölök,
de minek is kéne több
Friday is my day
I tune my body to the music
and to a good drink, which I’m sipping
but why would I need more?
Even Kate McKinnon knows them and she performed one of their songs “Yozsefváros” in the Jimmy Fallon show. She has spent here in Hungary 1 year when she was shooting her movie “The spy who dumped me”. Her chauffeur taught her that song. You can check out her performance and what our news said about it. I must say she did it quite well.
Link for that: Yozsefváros
LGT are really famous in Hungary, they are some kind of funky band from the hippie era. They have several good songs and their lyrics are diverse and have “mass” in it. I mean “mass” that they actually have songs with a lot of sentences, not like nowadays bands who repeat 1 sentence throughout an entire song.
Band: LGT
Song: Nem adom fel! (I don’t give up!)
Youtube link: Nem adom fel!
Lyrics: Nem adom fel! (lyrics)
A few rows from the lyrics:
Nem adom fel, míg egy darabban látsz
Nem adom fel, míg életben találsz
Nem adom fel, míg nem robbanok szét
Míg akad egy kerék
Mit tovább vihetnék
Mi tovább forog még:
I won’t give until you see me in one piece
I won’t give up until you find me alive
I won’t give up until I explode
Until there is a wheel
Which I could carry on
Which still spins around
You may recognize a familiar voice, because Somló Tamás, who is one of LGT’s singers, also sang the song “Péntek” with Animal Cannibal which was in your previous homework.
Rock and Roll
Back in the day Rock and Roll was pretty famous here in Hungary too. Our “King” was Fenyő Miklós and his band was “Hungária”.
Band: Hungária
Song: Csókkirály (csók - kiss, király - king)
Youtube link: Csókkirály
Lyrics: Csókkirály (lyrics)
A few rows from the lyrics:

Ő a Csókkirály,(király, király) ő a Csókkirály. (csókkirály)
Ő a Csókkirály,(király, király) ő a Csókkirály. (csókkirály)
Ha feltűnik az ismerősök között,
A lányok összesúgnak a háta mögött. (csókkirály)
Ha feltűnik az ismerősök között,
A lányok összesúgnak a háta mögött.
He is the Kissking,...
He is the Kissking,...
When he appears among his acquaintances
The girls whisper behind him
When he appears among his acquaintances
The girls whisper behind him
Our National Anthem. (Himnusz means anthem.)
The words were written by Ferenc Kölcsey, a nationally renowned poet, in 1823, and its currently official musical setting was composed by the romantic composer Ferenc Erkel in 1844, although other less-known musical versions exist.
It is a must know song for every Hungarian and also every Hungarian citizenship candidate.
You can find the lyrics and its translation in the video.
Erkel Ferenc
Kölcsey Ferenc
Song: A Hymnus, a’ Magyar nép zivataros századaiból
The Hymnus, from the rough centuries of the Hungarian people
Youtube link: Himnusz
I am not a musical lover, but:
-I want to get you acquainted with as many genres as I can, so you can pick some bands and listen to their songs.
-Musical singers articulate really clearly, so it is a plus when one tries to learn a language.
-The lyrics of a musical are very varied, not just one line repeated throughout a song.
Performer: Kaszás Attila
Song: Fényév távolság (Lightyear distance)
Youtube link: Fényév távolság
Lyrics: Fényév távolság (lyrics)
A few rows from the lyrics:
Fényév távolság,
csak hallgatom, csak bámulom.
Zengő fényország,
hogy láss csodát, egy életen át.
Lightyear distance
I just listen to it, just stare at it
Resonant lightcountry
to see a wonder throughout a life.
Heavy Metal
I am in trouble with this genre, because I am not a big fan of heavy metal and it is hard to recommend something which you are not fond of. I do like some HM songs from the English speaking world, but I didn’t really find any Hungarian HM bands which I like. The more popular Hungarian HM bands amongst others are: Pokolgép (Hellmachine), Depresszió and Kalapács (Hammer). You can check their songs out on youtube, but today I brought you another band.
I know that I already introduced them at the rock genre, but they have “heavy metalish” songs also. For me some of their songs represent heavy metal better, because:
-The singer, Lukács László’s energetic, hoarse voice fits really good with heavy metal songs.
-Their hardcore lyrics and badass electric guitar background music guide us into some kind of decadent dystopia. And maybe I’m wrong about HM, but I always pictured HM as a medium which gives us a glimpse into some kind of Mad Max style apocalyptic world.
Band: Tankcsapda
Song: Jönnek a férgek (This is also the name of the album, and this album’s songs are heavy metalish)
Youtube link: Jönnek a férgek
Lyrics: Jönnek a férgek (lyrics)
A few rows from the lyrics:

Mint a háborúban a foglyok,
Csak a parabolamocskot fogjuk,
Ahol minden nő tökéletes,
És minden férfi izmos.

Meg a legjobb mosópor,
Ami a faszom tudja, hogy mos,
Meg az izomagyú Miki egér,
Aki bárkit megöl a kokainért.

Meg a néger csaj az utcán,
Aki nincs még tizenöt éves,
De húszér' kúr és tízér' szopik,
És talán még nem AIDS-es.

Meg az öccse, akinek pénz kell a cuccra,
Beléd rakja a kést.
De mielőtt elkapnák a yardok,
Bekap egy aranylövést.*

*aranylövést -

Meg a bedeszkázott ablakai
A halált hordozó háznak,
A nyomornegyedek bűze,
Ahol a háromévesek fáznak.

Itt is ez megy, csak durvában,
Ahol csuklóig vagy a kurvában,
De talpra kell, hogy állj,
Az ütés bármennyire fáj.

Nem kell hajó, nem kell repülőgép,
Van mit ennem, van hol aludnom még,
Nem kell hajó, nem kell repülőgép,
Nyugodt vagyok, a Vadnyugat itt van…

As the prisoners in the war,
We just receive the broadcast rubbish,
Where every woman perfect,
And every man is muscular.

And the best washing powder,
Which I fucking don’t know how it washes,
And the muscle man Mickey mouse,
Who kills anyone for cocaine

And the negro girl on the street,
Who is not even 15 years old
But she fucks for 20 and sucks for 10
And maybe she doesn’t have AIDS yet.

And her little brother, who needs money for the stuff,
He will thrust the knife into you,
But before the police gets him,
He gets a golden shot.*

*golden shot - An intentional lethal dose of heroin.

And the boarded windows
Of the death carrying house,
The stench of slums,
Where the 3-year-olds are freezing

Here goes the same, only rougher
Where you are up in the hooker till the wrist,
But you need to stand up,
No matter how much the blow hurts.

I don’t need a ship, I don’t need a plane,
I have something to eat and still have somewhere to sleep
I don’t need a ship, I don’t need a plane,
I’m calm, the Wild West has been here,
for a long time

Mulatós zene
This genre is not easy to describe :D I think it exists only in Hungary and it is more common in the countryside.
“mulatni, mulatozni” means “to have fun”. These music revolve around a few themes as:

(Usually) characterized by the following:
-Some kind of techno background music or synthesiser with accordion
-Try to be funny

In the countryside if you go to a bar, a wedding or a party there is a big chance that this kind of music will be played.

Personally this genre is not my favourite, but this song which I brought to you today is quite good.

Band: Delta
Song: Sör, bor, pálinka
Youtube link: Sör, bor, pálinka
Lyrics: Sör, bor, pálinka (lyrics)
A few rows from the lyrics:

Folyik a sör, a bor, a pálinka,
Igyuk le magunkat állatra.
Jajj, de jó ez a csúcs szuper érzés,
amikor a fejembe jön az a bizsergés.

Sör, bor, a pálinka,
és ne gondoljunk a másnapra.
Rózsaszínben látom a világot,
Hát be vagyok rúgva, hop-hej-hop.

The beer, the wine and the pálinka are flowing
Let’s drink ourselves into animal
oh, how good is this super-duper feeling
when this tingling comes to my head

Beer, wine, the Pálinka
and don’t think about the hangover
I see the world in pink
Well I’m drunk, hop-hej-hop

A catchy pop song from the 90’s
Band: Republic
Song: Szállj el kis madár
Youtube link: Szállj el kis madár
Lyrics: Szállj el kis madár (lyrics)
A few rows from the lyrics:

Szállj el kismadár
Nézd meg, hogy merre jár
Mondd el, hogy merre járhat Ő

Mondd el, hogy szeretem
Mondd el, hogy kell nekem
Mondd el, hogy semmi más nem kell

Csak a Hold az égen
Csak a Nap ragyogjon
Simogasson a szél
Simogasson, ha arcomhoz ér
Csak a Hold ragyogjon
Csak a Nap az égen
Nekem semmi más nem kell

Fly away little bird
Look where she is
Tell me where she can be

Tell her that I love her
Tell her that I love her
Tell her that I don’t need anything else

Only the Moon on the sky
Only the Sun to shine
Let the wind stroke me
Let it stroke me when it touches my face
Only the Moon to shine
Only the Sun on the sky
I don’t need anything else

A song which is an adaptation of a poem from a famous hungarian poet.
József Attila is one the best and most famous hungarian poets. I’m not really fond of poems, but I like to quote one of his short poems and I also like this adaption song from him. He died in a train accident, some argue that he commited suicide.
The poem from which I often quote the last 3 rows:
Ne légy szeles
Ne légy szeles
Bár a munkádon más keres -
dolgozni csak pontosan, szépen,
ahogy a csillag megy az égen,
ugy érdemes.
Don’t rush (don’t be windy)
Don’t rush (don’t be windy)
Albeit others who earn money with your work
Work only exactly, nicely
As the stars go in the sky
That’s how it is worth doing it.
József Attila
Song: Óh szív nyugodj
Youtube link: Óh szív nyugodj
Lyrics: Óh szív nyugodj (lyrics)
A few rows from the lyrics:
Óh szív! nyugodj! Vad boróka hegyén
szerelem szólal, incseleg felém,
pirkadó madár, karcsu, koronás,
de áttetsző, mint minden látomás.
Oh heart! Calm down! On a tip of a wild juniper
Love speaks, teasing towards me
Bird at dawn, slim, crowned
but transparent, as every vision
An abstract band and song.
Band: Magashegyi underground
Song: Szeplős váll
Youtube link: Szeplős váll
Lyrics: Szeplős váll (lyrics)
This band has really abstract songs. I can quite enjoy this type of music if I have the mood for it.
If you like this type of songs, there are similar bands:
- Péterfy Bori & Love Band
- Quimby
- Kispál és a Borz
Few rows from the lyrics. Don’t want to make sense of it, like I said this band is really abstract:
Ketten állnak a sorban, túrórúdiért a boltban,
A hátsó az egy néni, nagymamámat idézi. És
Egy lány, kinek a szíve, össze-vissza van törve,
A képe a vállon, egyszer még megtalálom.
Szex szóra szeplőket dobálni elém, nem ér,
Sok kis pötty pislog, a szám a fülemig el ér,
Játszunk most olyat, hogy én vagyok a menő, menő
Kreatív irodából minden képzelőerő velem van.
Two persons stand in the line for túrórudi in the store
At the back she is a lady, she is like my grandma. And
A girl, whose heart is broken to pieces
Her picture is on her shoulder, once I will find it
It isn’t worth to throw freckles in front of me on the word sex
A lot of little spot blink, my mouth reach until my ears
Let’s play such a game, that I am the cool now, the cool one.
All of the imagination power is with me from the creative office.
A recent pop song with a lot of lyrics and a strong refrain
Song: Így játszom
Youtube link: Így játszom
Lyrics: Így játszom (lyrics)
A few rows from the lyrics:

Te valahogy más vagy
Miért fordulok utánad?
Pedig jobb dolgom is akad, elhiheted, én is elhittem
Csak a gyomrom utazik egy liftben
Amikor látlak
Ezért fordulok utánad?
Talán nincs is humorod, de elhiteted, könnyű elhinnem
Sírva nevetek a viccen

Megszoktam, csak egy percig lehetek
Gyenge nő, tudom, én már eleget
Óvatosan landoltam

You are somehow different
Why do I turn my neck after you?
Even though I have better things to do, you can believe me, I also believed it
Just my stomach takes a ride in an elevator
When I see you
That’s why I turn my neck after you?
Maybe you don’t have a sense of humour, but you can believe me, it is easy for me to believe
I laugh at your joke while I’m crying

I got used to it, I can be just for a minute
a weak woman, I know, that I’ve already
soared enough
I’ve landed carefully

A ”hardpop” band
I don’t know them well, but some of my friends like them a lot. I listen to this song from them and it has a good, energetic melody with some kind of mixture of pop and rock.
Band: FISH!
Song: Ne is figyelj rám
Youtube link: Ne is figyelj rám
Lyrics: Ne is figyelj rám (lyrics)
A few rows from the lyrics:

Ne is figyelj rám!
Én csak táncolok az utcán.
Ne is figyelj rám!
És közben, fülig ér a szám.
Ne is figyelj rám!
Ez most egy ilyen délután.
Ne is figyelj rám!
Csak ne is figyelj rám!

Lemegyek a partra, leülök a padra,
Napnak mutatom a hátamat,
Aztán csak nézem ahogyan lassan,
A víz fölött áthalad.
Te meg még mindig úgy csinálsz,
Mint aki soha nem látott csodát,
Akkor most állj meg,
Hé állj meg, és aztán menj tovább.

Take no notice of me!
I’m just dancing on the street
Take no notice of me!
And during, my mouth is reaching up to my ears
Take no notice of me!
This is such an afternoon now
Take no notice of me!
Just take no notice of me!

I’m going to the beach I sit down to the bench
I show my back to the sun
Then I’m just looking how
it is slowly passing over the water
You’re still doing so
As someone who has never seen a miracle
Then stop now,
Hey stop and then go further.

The Hungarian theme song for “Smurfs” - “Hupikék törpikék”

Kék means blue, but we don’t really use hupikék just for smurfs.
Törpe means dwarf, but in hungary we use diminutive suffix-es, which make the meaning of a word smaller. Ház - house → házikó - small house. Törpe - dwarf → törpike - small dwarf (we can make an originally small thing even smaller :D :D )

Maybe it will sound weird for you, if you are more used to the English version, but it is a good song and the lyrics has some basic, simple words like “gomba - mushroom”.

Song: Smurfs theme song - Hupikék törpikék főcímdal
Youtube link: Hupikék törpikék főcímdal
Lyrics: Hupikék törpikék főcímdal (lyrics)
A few rows from the lyrics:

Magas hegyek mögött
hol a tenger hupikék
ott laknak ők a törpikék
Hatalmas fák között
gombaházakban lakunk
és mindig vidámak vagyunk

De a törpök élete nem
csak játék és mese
hallottál már a gonoszról
a csúf, kopasz Hókuszpókról?

Behind high mountains
where the sea is “hupi” blue
there live the smurfs
Among huge trees
We live in mushroom houses
and we are always happy

But the life of the smurfs
are not always just about playing and tales
Have you heard about the evil,
about the ugly, bald Gargamel?

A Hungarian cartoon theme song
In my opinion Hungarians made quite good cartoons, such as Mézga család, Dr. Bubó, Magyar Népmesék (Hungarian Folk Tales), Süsü a sárkány and so on.
I chose Süsü’s intro, because it is simple and slower. By the way Süsü is a dragon (sárkány) muppet.
Song: Süsü dala (Süsü’s song)
Youtube link: Süsü dala
Lyrics: Süsü dala (lyrics)
A few rows from the lyrics:
Legszentebb dolog a barátság
Többet ér, mint minden királyság
Nekem is van egy jó barátom
Ha bajba jut, majd én kirántom.
The most sacred thing is friendship
It's worth more than every kingdom
I also have a good friend
If he gets into trouble then I will get him out of it.
An abstract romantic song
This song is great to practice the formal you. The two singers use “formal you” when they address each other.
Band: Budapest bár
Song: Szívemben bomba van
Youtube link: Szívemben bomba van
Lyrics: Szívemben bomba van (lyrics)
A few rows from the lyrics:

Szívemben bomba van
És hogyha megcélozom magát
Már nyomban romba van
Szaladjon hát amerre lát.

Mert én szétrombolom, tudom
A kis szerelmes szívét
Ha meg nem gondolom, hogy Ön
Tovább is élhet még.

There’s a bomb in my heart
And if I aim at you
Right away you will be ruined
Run wherever you see (Flee!)

Because I destroy, I know that
Your little, romantic heart
If I don’t change my mind about that
you may live on

A rock&roll song again
Band: Hungária
Song: Meghalok, hogyha a rám nézel
Youtube link: Meghalok, hogyha a rám nézel
Lyrics: Meghalok, hogyha a rám nézel (lyrics)
A few rows from the lyrics:
Te vagy, aki érdekel,
Te vagy, aki jó nekem,
Te vagy, aki mindig kell:
Meghalok, hogyha rám nézel!
Meghalok, hogyha rám nézel!Óóó
You are the one whom I’m interested in
You are the one who is good for me
You are the one whom I always need
I’ll die if you look at me!
I’ll die if you look at me! Oooh
She says that she will die if he looks at her, but I think she means it with “whenever he looks at her”. (So I gave the literal translation there.)
Kind of a lullaby?
I consider it a really beautiful and enjoyable song, although I don’t fancy sentimental songs. The singer has quite a powerful, energetic voice, but in this song he doesn’t have the chance to use it.. He wrote this song for his mother..
Singer: Mester Tamás
Song: Altass el (Put me to sleep!)
Youtube link: Altass el
Lyrics: Altass el (lyrics)
A few rows from the lyrics:

Az aki voltam,
egy fényképről néz vissza rám
És nem hasonlít már,
múlt és jelen
Valami elmúlt, lassan felnőttem én,
Mégis úgy vigyázol rám
Mint amikor még

Nem tudtam milyen jó nekem,
Hogy itt vagy, mindig így legyen!

The person who I was
Looks back at me from a photo
And he doesn’t resemble me anymore,
past and present
Something has passed, I slowly grew up
And you are still taking care of me
As when

I didn’t know yet how fortunate I was
That you are here, it should be always that way!

A chill song
Band: Punnany Massif
Song: Kopoggyá
Youtube link: Kopoggyá
Lyrics: Kopoggyá (lyrics)
A few rows from the lyrics:
Mondd, most miért vagy velem?
Mondd, most miért kell ez nekem?
Holnap új babér terem
Szállj le a földre…
Kis szőke, neked csak a vessző kell
Hé, barna, az arcodra van írva
Kell a szignó, na meg egy közös fotó
Betagelhetsz, csak hadd igyam meg a sörömet
Tell me why you are with me now?
Tell me why do I need this now?
Tomorrow new laurel will grow
Get down to the ground...
Little blondy you just need the wand
Hey brunette it is written on your face
That you need the signature, and a photo together as well
You can tag me, just let me drink my beer
A song from an old-school creative rap band

Rapülők was a really creative rap band. When I was a little kid they were my favorite band. I even had a walkman and a cassette from them. The main rapper Geszti Péter is really adept at using and forming the Hungarian language.

This song of theirs which I bring you today is also a good example of how the Hungarians would spell the English words. The title “Áj láv jú” means nothing in Hungarian, it's just how we would spell “I love you”.
I - “áj”
love - “láv”
you - “jú”

Their name is also a good combination of:
the Hungarian word “repülők - aeroplanes”
and the English word “rap”.
→ rapülők (the word “rap” would be spelt and pronounced as “rep”)

Later Geszti had other bands such as:
-Jazz+Az (I also really fancy this band) -
Geszti Péter és a Gringo Sztár

Band: Rapülők
Song: Áj láv jú
Youtube link: Áj láv jú
Lyrics: Áj láv jú (lyrics)
A few rows from the lyrics:

Állítom, a szívem egy rom, s nyom.
Leromlott a bizonyítványom.
S az állapotom? Na az se normális!
Kérdeztem az orvost: ugye hormonális?

Kivizsgált és végülis így szólt:
Kutyabaj, csak egy átlagos szívkór.
Meggyógyul, s ha nyolc napon túl is eltart,
A tünetei szűnnek majd.

I state that my heart is a ruin and it “is a heavy burden”
My grades are declined
And my condition? Well that isn’t normal either!
I asked the doctor: It is hormonal, isn’t it?

He checked me up and finally told so:
You are as fit as a fiddle, it is just an average heart malady.
You will get better and if it lasts more than 8 days
Then your symptoms will cease.

A song about the guys from a girl’s viewpoint
Band: Szeder
Song: Feri feneke
Youtube link: Feri feneke
Lyrics: Feri feneke (lyrics)
A few rows from the lyrics:

A Krisztián macsózó béna
A Zsolti túl érzékeny néha
A Zoli minden lánnyal hetyeg
A Peti pedig sajnos meleg

De az Alex annyira vicces
És a Dani cuki mikor spicces
Ágóval jó beszélgetni
Bálinttal meg felébredni

Ó fiúk, nekünk is van szemünk
Még ha ezzel nem is dicsekszünk
Belül sok húrt megpendítetek
De jaj, kinek szüljünk gyerekeket?

Krisztián is macho playing lame guy

Zsolti is oversensitive sometimes
Zoli hooks up with every girl
And Peti is unfortunately gay

But Alex is so funny
And Dani is cute when he is tipsy
It is good to converse with Ágó
And to wake up with Bálint

Oh guys we have eyes as well
Even though we don’t brag about it
Inside us you plunk a lot of strings
But alas, to whom should we have children?

A great song with great melody
The band’s name is composed of Blaha + Louisiana. We have a famous square named Blaha Lujza in Budapest’s downtown, hence the name.
Band: BlahaLouisiana
Song: Túl távol, elég közel (Too far, close enough)
Youtube link: Túl távol, elég közel
Lyrics: Túl távol, elég közel (lyrics)
A few rows from the lyrics:

Válasz, ha nem lesz nem is kell
Túl távol, elég közel
Nem leszek, ha nem leszel

Táncolhatnánk egy anyagban
Hol egy szín és csak a színaranyban
De viselünk jelmezt bátran
Így hihetünk egymás maszkjában
Én most rejtekhely leszek
És ha lehet, hát elszámolok százig
Hogy nálam is találjon magára
Aki el sem bújt, de játszik

Answer, if there isn’t any, then I don’t need it
Too far, close enough
I will not be, when you will not be

We could dance in a material
Where there’s a colour and just pure gold
But we bravely wear costumes
So we can believe in each other’s mask
I will be a hide-out for now
And if it is allowed, well I count to 100
In order to find themselves by me as well
Those who didn’t even hide, but seek (play)

Ideas for later homeworks:

Keresem az utam
Adj hitet:
Ilyenek voltunk:

Elvont mint:
Péterfy Bori & Love Band: Hajolj bele a hajamba
H Téged Nem

Szabó Balázs Bandája: Hétköznapi

Red Bull Pilvaker - Tiszta szívvel

Kávészünet - Csonka vers


Margaret Island- Eső

Anna and the Barbies Márti dala

Zaporozsec - Azon az éjszakán


Magyar népdalok

Supernem - Generáció

Tompos Kátya - Színházak éjszakája

Bagossy Brothers - Olyan Ő


Mesedal (mint genre? és amúgy is másik mesedalos doksiként)

Mézga család Mézga család főcímdal
Magyar népmesék
Kacsamesék Kacsamesék főcímdal