The descriptions below are taken from material from Daniel Veres' Patreon page. I thought he did a good job in spanning the genres, plus his introductions are charming.
Rock | |
Tankcsapda band has really good and catchy lyrics. If you can learn one of their songs and you sing it when it comes up in a party everybody will go crazy (in a positive way) | |
Band: | Tankcsapda |
Song: | Mennyország Tourist - Heaven Tourist |
Youtube link: | Mennyország Tourist |
Lyrics: | Mennyország Tourist (lyrics) |
A few rows from the lyrics: | |
Majd rólad szólnak a hírek
Veled van tele a sajtó Aki a pokolra kíván jutni annak Balra a második ajtó De ha a Szent-Péter szigetekre már Be van fizetve az útja Önnek a Mennyország Tourist A legjobb szolgáltatást nyújtja |
The news will be about you
The press is all about you To the one who wants get to the hell Choose the 2nd door at the left But if your trip to the Saint-Peter’s islands has been already paid The Heaven Tourist will provide you the best service |
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Rap | |
“Animal Cannibals” is a rap band or more like a duo. They have very catchy songs and good lyrics. They are quite adept with words. | |
Band: | Animal Cannibals |
Song: | Péntek (Friday) |
Youtube link: | Péntek |
Lyrics: | Péntek (lyrics) |
The refrain of this song is quite well known I think: | |
Péntek, az én napom
a testem a zenére hangolom, meg egy jó italra amit szürcsölök, de minek is kéne több hey-hey-hey! |
Friday is my day
I tune my body to the music and to a good drink, which I’m sipping but why would I need more? hey-hey-hey! |
Even Kate McKinnon knows them and she performed one of their songs “Yozsefváros” in the
Jimmy Fallon show. She has spent here in Hungary 1 year when she was shooting her
movie “The spy who dumped me”. Her chauffeur taught her that song. You can check out her
performance and what our news said about it. I must say she did it quite well.
Link for that: Yozsefváros |
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Funk | |
LGT are really famous in Hungary, they are some kind of funky band from the hippie era. They have several good songs and their lyrics are diverse and have “mass” in it. I mean “mass” that they actually have songs with a lot of sentences, not like nowadays bands who repeat 1 sentence throughout an entire song. | |
Band: | LGT |
Song: | Nem adom fel! (I don’t give up!) |
Youtube link: | Nem adom fel! |
Lyrics: | Nem adom fel! (lyrics) |
A few rows from the lyrics: | |
Nem adom fel, míg egy darabban látsz
Nem adom fel, míg életben találsz Nem adom fel, míg nem robbanok szét Míg akad egy kerék Mit tovább vihetnék Mi tovább forog még: |
I won’t give until you see me in one piece
I won’t give up until you find me alive I won’t give up until I explode Until there is a wheel Which I could carry on Which still spins around |
You may recognize a familiar voice, because Somló Tamás, who is one of LGT’s singers, also sang the song “Péntek” with Animal Cannibal which was in your previous homework. | |
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Rock and Roll | |
Back in the day Rock and Roll was pretty famous here in Hungary too. Our “King” was Fenyő Miklós and his band was “Hungária”. | |
Band: | Hungária |
Song: | Csókkirály (csók - kiss, király - king) |
Youtube link: | Csókkirály |
Lyrics: | Csókkirály (lyrics) |
A few rows from the lyrics: | |
Ő a Csókkirály,(király, király) ő a Csókkirály. (csókkirály) Ő a Csókkirály,(király, király) ő a Csókkirály. (csókkirály) Ha feltűnik az ismerősök között, A lányok összesúgnak a háta mögött. (csókkirály) Ha feltűnik az ismerősök között, A lányok összesúgnak a háta mögött. |
He is the Kissking,...
He is the Kissking,... When he appears among his acquaintances The girls whisper behind him When he appears among his acquaintances The girls whisper behind him |
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Our National Anthem. (Himnusz means anthem.) | |
The words were written by Ferenc Kölcsey, a nationally renowned poet, in 1823, and its currently official musical setting was composed by the romantic composer Ferenc Erkel in 1844, although other less-known musical versions exist.
It is a must know song for every Hungarian and also every Hungarian citizenship candidate. You can find the lyrics and its translation in the video. |
Writer: |
Erkel Ferenc Kölcsey Ferenc |
Song: | A Hymnus, a’ Magyar nép zivataros századaiból
The Hymnus, from the rough centuries of the Hungarian people |
Youtube link: | Himnusz |
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Musical | |
I am not a musical lover, but:
-I want to get you acquainted with as many genres as I can, so you can pick some bands and listen to their songs. -Musical singers articulate really clearly, so it is a plus when one tries to learn a language. -The lyrics of a musical are very varied, not just one line repeated throughout a song. |
Performer: | Kaszás Attila |
Song: | Fényév távolság (Lightyear distance) |
Youtube link: | Fényév távolság |
Lyrics: | Fényév távolság (lyrics) |
A few rows from the lyrics: | |
Fényév távolság,
csak hallgatom, csak bámulom. Zengő fényország, hogy láss csodát, egy életen át. |
Lightyear distance
I just listen to it, just stare at it Resonant lightcountry to see a wonder throughout a life. |
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Heavy Metal | |
I am in trouble with this genre, because I am not a big fan of heavy metal and it is hard to recommend something which you are not fond of. I do like some HM songs from the English speaking world, but I didn’t really find any Hungarian HM bands which I like. The more popular Hungarian HM bands amongst others are: Pokolgép (Hellmachine), Depresszió and Kalapács (Hammer). You can check their songs out on youtube, but today I brought you another band.
I know that I already introduced them at the rock genre, but they have “heavy metalish” songs also. For me some of their songs represent heavy metal better, because: -The singer, Lukács László’s energetic, hoarse voice fits really good with heavy metal songs. -Their hardcore lyrics and badass electric guitar background music guide us into some kind of decadent dystopia. And maybe I’m wrong about HM, but I always pictured HM as a medium which gives us a glimpse into some kind of Mad Max style apocalyptic world. |
Band: | Tankcsapda |
Song: | Jönnek a férgek (This is also the name of the album, and this album’s songs are heavy metalish) |
Youtube link: | Jönnek a férgek |
Lyrics: | Jönnek a férgek (lyrics) |
A few rows from the lyrics: | |
Mint a háborúban a foglyok,
Meg a legjobb mosópor,
Meg a néger csaj az utcán,
Meg az öccse, akinek pénz kell a cuccra,
*aranylövést - Meg a bedeszkázott ablakai
Itt is ez megy, csak durvában,
Nem kell hajó, nem kell repülőgép,
As the prisoners in the war,
And the best washing powder,
And the negro girl on the street,
And her little brother, who needs money for the stuff,
*golden shot - An intentional lethal dose of heroin. And the boarded windows
Here goes the same, only rougher
I don’t need a ship, I don’t need a plane,
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Mulatós zene | |
This genre is not easy to describe :D I think it exists only in Hungary and it is more common in the countryside.
“mulatni, mulatozni” means “to have fun”. These music revolve around a few themes as: -alcohol -party -wedding (Usually) characterized by the following:
In the countryside if you go to a bar, a wedding or a party there is a big chance that this kind of music will be played. Personally this genre is not my favourite, but this song which I brought to you today is quite good. |
Band: | Delta |
Song: | Sör, bor, pálinka |
Youtube link: | Sör, bor, pálinka |
Lyrics: | Sör, bor, pálinka (lyrics) |
A few rows from the lyrics: | |
Folyik a sör, a bor, a pálinka,
The beer, the wine and the pálinka are flowing
Beer, wine, the Pálinka
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A catchy pop song from the 90’s | |
Band: | Republic |
Song: | Szállj el kis madár |
Youtube link: | Szállj el kis madár |
Lyrics: | Szállj el kis madár (lyrics) |
A few rows from the lyrics: | |
Szállj el kismadár
Mondd el, hogy szeretem
Csak a Hold az égen
Fly away little bird
Tell her that I love her
Only the Moon on the sky
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A song which is an adaptation of a poem from a famous hungarian poet. | |
József Attila is one the best and most famous hungarian poets. I’m not really fond of poems, but I like to quote one of his short poems and I also like this adaption song from him. He died in a train accident, some argue that he commited suicide.
The poem from which I often quote the last 3 rows: |
Ne légy szeles
Ne légy szeles Bár a munkádon más keres - dolgozni csak pontosan, szépen, ahogy a csillag megy az égen, ugy érdemes. |
Don’t rush (don’t be windy)
Don’t rush (don’t be windy) Albeit others who earn money with your work Work only exactly, nicely As the stars go in the sky That’s how it is worth doing it. |
Poet: |
József Attila |
Song: | Óh szív nyugodj |
Youtube link: | Óh szív nyugodj |
Lyrics: | Óh szív nyugodj (lyrics) |
A few rows from the lyrics: | |
Óh szív! nyugodj! Vad boróka hegyén
szerelem szólal, incseleg felém, pirkadó madár, karcsu, koronás, de áttetsző, mint minden látomás. |
Oh heart! Calm down! On a tip of a wild juniper
Love speaks, teasing towards me Bird at dawn, slim, crowned but transparent, as every vision |
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An abstract band and song. | |
Band: | Magashegyi underground |
Song: | Szeplős váll |
Youtube link: | Szeplős váll |
Lyrics: | Szeplős váll (lyrics) |
This band has really abstract songs. I can quite enjoy this type of music if I have the mood for it.
If you like this type of songs, there are similar bands: - Péterfy Bori & Love Band - Quimby - Kispál és a Borz |
Few rows from the lyrics. Don’t want to make sense of it, like I said this band is really abstract: | |
Ketten állnak a sorban, túrórúdiért a boltban,
A hátsó az egy néni, nagymamámat idézi. És Egy lány, kinek a szíve, össze-vissza van törve, A képe a vállon, egyszer még megtalálom. Szex szóra szeplőket dobálni elém, nem ér, Sok kis pötty pislog, a szám a fülemig el ér, Játszunk most olyat, hogy én vagyok a menő, menő Kreatív irodából minden képzelőerő velem van. |
Two persons stand in the line for túrórudi in the store
At the back she is a lady, she is like my grandma. And A girl, whose heart is broken to pieces Her picture is on her shoulder, once I will find it It isn’t worth to throw freckles in front of me on the word sex A lot of little spot blink, my mouth reach until my ears Let’s play such a game, that I am the cool now, the cool one. All of the imagination power is with me from the creative office. |
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Pop | |
A recent pop song with a lot of lyrics and a strong refrain | |
Song: | Így játszom |
Youtube link: | Így játszom |
Lyrics: | Így játszom (lyrics) |
A few rows from the lyrics: | |
Te valahogy más vagy
Megszoktam, csak egy percig lehetek
You are somehow different
I got used to it, I can be just for a minute
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A ”hardpop” band | |
I don’t know them well, but some of my friends like them a lot. I listen to this song from them and it has a good, energetic melody with some kind of mixture of pop and rock. | |
Band: | FISH! |
Song: | Ne is figyelj rám |
Youtube link: | Ne is figyelj rám |
Lyrics: | Ne is figyelj rám (lyrics) |
A few rows from the lyrics: | |
Ne is figyelj rám!
Lemegyek a partra, leülök a padra,
Take no notice of me!
I’m going to the beach I sit down to the bench
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The Hungarian theme song for “Smurfs” - “Hupikék törpikék” | |
Kék means blue, but we don’t really use hupikék just for smurfs.
Maybe it will sound weird for you, if you are more used to the English version, but it is a good song and the lyrics has some basic, simple words like “gomba - mushroom”. |
Song: | Smurfs theme song - Hupikék törpikék főcímdal |
Youtube link: | Hupikék törpikék főcímdal |
Lyrics: | Hupikék törpikék főcímdal (lyrics) |
A few rows from the lyrics: | |
Magas hegyek mögött
Behind high mountains
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A Hungarian cartoon theme song | |
In my opinion Hungarians made quite good cartoons, such as Mézga család, Dr. Bubó, Magyar Népmesék (Hungarian Folk Tales), Süsü a sárkány and so on.
I chose Süsü’s intro, because it is simple and slower. By the way Süsü is a dragon (sárkány) muppet. |
Song: | Süsü dala (Süsü’s song) |
Youtube link: | Süsü dala |
Lyrics: | Süsü dala (lyrics) |
A few rows from the lyrics: | |
Legszentebb dolog a barátság
Többet ér, mint minden királyság Nekem is van egy jó barátom Ha bajba jut, majd én kirántom. |
The most sacred thing is friendship
It's worth more than every kingdom I also have a good friend If he gets into trouble then I will get him out of it. |
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An abstract romantic song | |
This song is great to practice the formal you. The two singers use “formal you” when they address each other. | |
Band: | Budapest bár |
Song: | Szívemben bomba van |
Youtube link: | Szívemben bomba van |
Lyrics: | Szívemben bomba van (lyrics) |
A few rows from the lyrics: | |
Szívemben bomba van
Mert én szétrombolom, tudom
There’s a bomb in my heart
And if I aim at you Right away you will be ruined Run wherever you see (Flee!) Because I destroy, I know that
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A rock&roll song again | |
Band: | Hungária |
Song: | Meghalok, hogyha a rám nézel |
Youtube link: | Meghalok, hogyha a rám nézel |
Lyrics: | Meghalok, hogyha a rám nézel (lyrics) |
A few rows from the lyrics: | |
Te vagy, aki érdekel,
Te vagy, aki jó nekem, Te vagy, aki mindig kell: Meghalok, hogyha rám nézel! Meghalok, hogyha rám nézel!Óóó |
You are the one whom I’m interested in
You are the one who is good for me You are the one whom I always need I’ll die if you look at me! I’ll die if you look at me! Oooh |
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Kind of a lullaby? | |
I consider it a really beautiful and enjoyable song, although I don’t fancy sentimental songs. The singer has quite a powerful, energetic voice, but in this song he doesn’t have the chance to use it.. He wrote this song for his mother.. | |
Singer: | Mester Tamás |
Song: | Altass el (Put me to sleep!) |
Youtube link: | Altass el |
Lyrics: | Altass el (lyrics) |
A few rows from the lyrics: | |
Az aki voltam,
The person who I was
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A chill song | |
Band: | Punnany Massif |
Song: | Kopoggyá |
Youtube link: | Kopoggyá |
Lyrics: | Kopoggyá (lyrics) |
A few rows from the lyrics: | |
Mondd, most miért vagy velem?
Mondd, most miért kell ez nekem? Holnap új babér terem Szállj le a földre… Kis szőke, neked csak a vessző kell Hé, barna, az arcodra van írva Kell a szignó, na meg egy közös fotó Betagelhetsz, csak hadd igyam meg a sörömet |
Tell me why you are with me now?
Tell me why do I need this now? Tomorrow new laurel will grow Get down to the ground... Little blondy you just need the wand Hey brunette it is written on your face That you need the signature, and a photo together as well You can tag me, just let me drink my beer |
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A song from an old-school creative rap band | |
Rapülők was a really creative rap band. When I was a little kid they were my favorite band. I even had a walkman and a cassette from them. The main rapper Geszti Péter is really adept at using and forming the Hungarian language. This song of theirs which I bring you today is also a good example of how the Hungarians would spell the English words. The title “Áj láv jú” means nothing in Hungarian, it's just how we would spell “I love you”.
Their name is also a good combination of:
Later Geszti had other bands such as:
Band: | Rapülők |
Song: | Áj láv jú |
Youtube link: | Áj láv jú |
Lyrics: | Áj láv jú (lyrics) |
A few rows from the lyrics: | |
Állítom, a szívem egy rom, s nyom.
Kivizsgált és végülis így szólt:
I state that my heart is a ruin and it “is a heavy burden”
He checked me up and finally told so:
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A song about the guys from a girl’s viewpoint | |
Band: | Szeder |
Song: | Feri feneke |
Youtube link: | Feri feneke |
Lyrics: | Feri feneke (lyrics) |
A few rows from the lyrics: | |
A Krisztián macsózó béna
De az Alex annyira vicces
Ó fiúk, nekünk is van szemünk
Krisztián is macho playing lame guy Zsolti is oversensitive sometimes
But Alex is so funny
Oh guys we have eyes as well
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A great song with great melody | |
The band’s name is composed of Blaha + Louisiana. We have a famous square named Blaha Lujza in Budapest’s downtown, hence the name. | |
Band: | BlahaLouisiana |
Song: | Túl távol, elég közel (Too far, close enough) |
Youtube link: | Túl távol, elég közel |
Lyrics: | Túl távol, elég közel (lyrics) |
A few rows from the lyrics: | |
Válasz, ha nem lesz nem is kell
Answer, if there isn’t any, then I don’t need it
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Old-school style hip-hop song | |
from a former reality show star who made it big | |
Band: | Majka, Curtis, BLR |
Song: | Belehalok - I die of it |
Youtube link: | Belehalok |
Lyrics: | Belehalok (lyrics) |
A few rows from the lyrics: | |
Kicsikét szűk a világ nekem
The world is a bit tight for me
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Some kind of hip-hop-pop song | |
In Hungarian we distinguish 2 types of love:
You can have szeretet for your mother, brother, friends and also for your romantic partner(s). You can only have ‘szerelem’ for the romantic partners you are in love with. I might be too technical here, but it only lasts for a few months/years. After that the chemicals in your brain disappear, so for example in a marriage you need to have szeretet as well, because szerelem is not an everlasting thing. |
Band: | Punnany Massif |
Song: | Nem szerelem - not love |
Youtube link: | Nem szerelem |
Lyrics: | Nem szerelem (lyrics) |
A few rows from the lyrics: | |
Mondd, miért akarsz folyton-folyvást rosszat nekem?
Tell me, why do you wish me bad things all the time?
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Funny hip-hop rap about politics and jerking offs | |
Some things, so can understand some references from the song: So Orbán Viktor is our evil prime minister😀He is the head of FIDESZ. Their party color is orange. A few elections ago they got two thirds of seats in the parliament (which is bad, because they were able to modify the constitution in their favor, so it is harder to get rid of them). Gyurcsány Ferenc was the prime minister before Orbán. He is the head of the opposition. Please be aware that this song contains REALLY REALLY harsh and offensive language. If you are sensitive about that, please skip this song. |
Band: | Krúbi |
Song: | Orbán, Verd Ki A Ferinek - Orbán jerk it off for Feri |
Youtube link: | Orbán, Verd Ki A Ferinek |
Lyrics: | Orbán, Verd Ki A Ferinek (lyrics) |
A few rows from the lyrics: | |
Orbán, verd ki a Ferinek
Körbenézek most látom, hogy itt állunk már százan
Orbán jerk it off for Feri
I look around now and see that there are a hundred of us
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An other song from Krúbi some political references and other stuff | |
Some things, so can understand some references from the song:
Please be aware that this song contains REALLY REALLY harsh and offensive language. If you are sensitive about that, please skip this song. |
Band: | Krúbi |
Song: | PestiEst - Night in Pest |
Youtube link: | PestiEst |
Lyrics: | PestiEst(lyrics) |
A few rows from the lyrics: | |
Hírességek vannak itt, Rogán az égből érkezett
A Mészáros Lőrinc éppen felemészti a cégedet
There are famous people here, Rogán came from the sky
Lőrinc Mészáros is eating up your company
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A Rap song | |
An song about Budapest in summertime | |
Band: | Animal Cannibals |
Song: | Budapest Nyáron - Budapest in summertime |
Youtube link: | Budapest Nyáron |
Lyrics: | Budapest Nyáron (lyrics) |
A few rows from the lyrics: | |
Budapest nyáron sokkal szabadabb
Budapest is much freer in summertime
Some other bands and songs for you to check out:
Rapper: Sub Bass Monster (basically the Hungarian Eminem)
Négy ütem
Nincs nő, nincs sírás
Keresem az utam
Adj hitet:
Ilyenek voltunk:
Péterfy Bori & Love Band:
Hajolj bele a hajamba
Téged Nem
Szabó Balázs Bandája:
Red Bull Pilvaker
Tiszta szívvel
Csonka vers
Margaret Island
Anna and the Barbies
Márti dala
Azon az éjszakán
Ma jól vagyok
Csepp a tengerben
Lusta szerető
Szerelmről szó sem volt
Szólj már
Nem vagyok tökéletes
Hova Megy, Ki?
Tompos Kátya
Viszlek Haza
Bagossy Brothers
Olyan Ő
Császár Előd
Megtalállak még
Végső Állomás
Keserű méz
Presser Gábor
Nagy utazás
Bolond, aki sír
Bagossy Brothers
Olyan Ő
Mézga család
Mézga család főcímdal - Intro song of a Hungarian cartoon ‘Family Mézga’
Dr. Bubó
Dr. Bubó főcímdal - Intro song of a Hungarian cartoon
‘Dr. Bubó’
Nagy Ho-Ho-Ho Horgász
A Nagy Ho-Ho-Ho Horgász főcímdal - Intro song of a
Hungarian cartoon ‘Nagy Ho-Ho-Ho Horgász’’
Kacsamesék főcímdal - Ducktales intro