

<---- Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 ---->

Grammar: Part 15

A prayer to the grammar gods:

I'm getting the hang here -
Can we just hang here ?

Lesson thirty-six:

No need for so much activity.

Csönded Vagyok
Cseh Tamás
Most elmondom, mid vagyok, mid nem neked. Now I will tell you, what I am of yours, what I am not
Vártál ha magadról szép éneket, You were expecting everything about you to be a pretty song
dícsérő éneked én nem leszek, A praising song... I will not be
mi más is lehetnék: csak csönd neked. what more might I be... just silence for you.
E szó jó: csönd vagyok, csönded vagyok. This word is good: I am silence, I am your silence
Ha rám így kedved van maradhatok, If you are in the mood for me like this, I might stay a while.
ülhetsz csak tűrve, hogy dal nem dicsér, You might just sit enduring that a song doesn't praise
se jel, se láng csak csönd, mely égig ér. no signal, nor flame just quiet, which is touching the sky.
S folytatom mid vagyok, mid nem neked, And to continue what I am, what not to you
ha vártál lángot, az nem lehetek, if you waited for a flame, that I can not be
fölébem hajolj, lásd hamu vagyok, Lean over me, see I am ash
belőlem csak jövőd jósolhatod. Out of me just your future is readable to you.
Most elmondtam mid vagyok, mid nem neked. Now I have told you, what I am, what I am not for you
Vártál ha magadról szép éneket, You had been expecting a pretty song about you
dícsérő éneked én nem leszek, I won't be your praising song
mi más is lehetnék: csak csönd neked. what else could I possibly be: just silence for you.

The challenge in this one is the poetic language. For example, how common is the word "mid"?

"Mid" is a poetic way to say "your what," as in "what you have" or "what is yours."
So "mid vagyok" means "I am your what" or more elegantly "what I am of yours."

A similar structure is in the phrase "nekem senkim" ("I have no-one").

"E" is a poetic form of "ez a."
As in: "E szó jó: csönd vagyok, csönded vagyok."

"S" is a poetic form of "és."
As in: "S folytatom mid vagyok, mid nem neked."

"Fölébem" is a poetic form of "fölém" which means ("to above me"). The "be" in the middle puts an extra motion "into" the motion.
As in: "fölébem hajolj, lásd hamu vagyok."

This was a short one.

Meant to be relaxing :)

<---- Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 ---->