

<---- Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 ---->

Grammar: Part 11

A prayer to the grammar gods:

I think I understand better.
I just needed some time to think.

Lesson thirty-one: know any good games?

Before we get into anything serious
out of curiosity
did anyone try to memorize any songs?

ok, forget it, let's go find a random joke !

Ok here is one. hmm, only rated 3.78 out of 5
.... So let's not expect too much out of it!

Ok, after looking at the link above, let's write it here and dissect it:
(sorry about the color mix)

Élt egy férfi a feleségével. A férfi alkoholista volt. Mindeden nap hazafelé menet bement a kocsmába és rendszerint berúgott. Egy nap, mint minden nap bement a kocsmába inni. Másnap ugyan így bement. Harmadnap szintén berúgott, de mikor hazaért a felesége ezt mondta:

- Figyelj ide drágám! Ha holnap is elmész a kocsma mellett, mielőtt bemennél, mond el a Miatyánkot, és akkor nem fogsz bemenni.

Másnap a kocsma előtt megállt és elkezdi mondani a Miatyánkot.

- Miatyánk, ki vagy a mennyekbe... Menjek be? Akkor bemegyek

Common words a beginner might already know: Definition:
él he/she/it lives
egy a
férfi man
a the
feleség wife
alkoholista we can guess this, can't we?
van he/she/it is
mindeden must be a typo. (minden = always)
nap sun / day
ház / haza house / homewords
felé towards
menet ?? looks like a simple word, but many beginners wouldn't know it. However they might be familiar with "busz menetrend" and know that rend = order, so maybe some could guess what "menet" means.
megy he/she/it goes
kocsma ok, maybe some beginners wouldn't know this word if they don't drink, but after reading enough jokes set in pubs it's hard not to learn it
és and
rendszerint (rend = order) + (szerint = according to)
berúgott ?? probably a beginner wouldn't know this word. There are several words with "rúg" in it, though, that a beginner might have encountered by now: rúgólabda (soccer), kirúg (fire from a job). But berúgott is kind of a slang term.
mint as / like / compared with
iszik he/she/it drinks
más other
úgy that way
így this way
harmad third
szintén ?? a beginner might know "szint" means "level" (as in földszint: ground level / ground floor).
However the connection between "szint" and "szintén" is a tough one to guess...it requires an understanding of szín ("color") which can also mean "surface" and which has the obsolete meaning of "appearance."
de however
mikor when
ez this
mond he/she/it says
figyel he/she/it pays attention
drága precious
ha if
is also
mellett next to
Miatyánk ???...But a beginner would know this word if they had memorized the first song on the playlist.
akkor then
nem no / not
mellett next to
más other
előtt in front
megáll stop
kezd begin
ki who
menny ???...But a beginner would know this word if they had memorized the first song on the playlist.
And that was all the words! Admittedly, some of them had different forms, endings, coverbs, helping verbs, etc, but do you see how the words in a joke tend to repeat and refer back to their own meaning quite a bit?

Lesson thirty-two: dealer's choice

We were promised something serious :)

Here we go.

Our grammar book gets expensive pretty fast if we need a private tutor to go through the book with us.


...Who needs grammar anyways?


--(five years later)--

Ok, fine, dust the damn thing off, let's take a look at it.

Grab your Anki deck, we are writing notes.

Step 1: When you open Anki, the upper left corner of the window will say something like "User 1 - Anki."
At the bottom of this window is a button that says "Create Deck."
Click it.

(name the deck something clever)

Step 2. Now you should see the deck in the list on the left.
Click it.

Step 3. Click the "add" button at the top.

Be aware that you might have three different windows open in Anki.
If you find yourself in the wrong window, click the icon in your task bar.
Hopefully you will see the various windows to choose from.

Step 4 Do a one-time set-up for your card preferences:

4(a). In the "add" window choose type "Cloze"
Be sure that the deck is correct as well.

Step 4(b). Click "card" to do a one-time set-up of the "Cloze" template:
Set up the front template as follows:

Set up the back template as follows:

Step 5. Now copy an exercise from the grammar book.

Step 6. Add some grammar notes.

Step 7. Add a tag showing what page and/or chapter it is from.

Step 8. Highlight and cloze out sections of the exercise.

Step 8(a). Example of setting up cloze fields to create three separate cards:

Here is what one of the cards looks like when studying it:

Here is an example when the answer is shown:

Step 8(b). Example of setting up cloze fields to create three separate cloze fields on the same card:

Here is what one of the cards looks like when studying it:

Here is an example when the answer is shown:

Creating the cards begins the learning process.
Check the answer key as you make the cards
- be sure the answers are correct.
Think about how to test the idea.
Play with different ways.

Definitely enough for one night!

<---- Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 ---->